
With just 15 minutes of instruction, iPhones will speak in your

Over the years, Apple has maintained a fair policy with accessibility features for all iPhone users, but it now intends to take this approach to a completely new level. What if we told you that within the next 15 minutes, iPhones will be able to speak in your voice?

Specially abled individuals might utilise this practical tool to answer phone calls. A user can read material to their iPhone and have their voice recorded, which is then used by the device to learn, according to Apple.

The trained voice will then be used by another function called Live Speech to repeat the text prompt to the caller the next time they call, including any FaceTime calls. According to Apple, the capability will be made available this year. The business guarantees that all voice training is completed on the device, ensuring the privacy and security of all customer data.

Voice replication, also known as Personal Voice, sounds like a useful tool for individuals with disabilities, and like other Apple accessibility products, it is likely to be popular among iPhone users in the US and other countries. Over the years, Apple has been a great proponent of accessibility features, and the new update may make it even more helpful for iPhone users.

Apple keeps creating new use cases that draw focus to the corporation. If someone is stranded in an isolated location without a mobile network, they may still send messages or phone thanks to Apple’s introduction of satellite communication for the iPhone last year.

Apple doesn’t seem the first company to use the technology, but as we’ve already seen, the iPhone maker has a domino effect on the introduction of other products on the market. We anticipate that ultimately users of Android will also benefit from these improvements.

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